Forced first time gay sex stories on the train

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His friend then teaches him the meaning of true friendship. (Fm-teen, mm-bi, ped, exh)Ī Brewster Thanksgiving - by J.O. Dickingson - This is a story involving four brothers, two preteens and two thirteen-year-olds, two of their long-forgotten kin, and an assortment of their classmates putting on a community Thanksgiving pageant. (gay, teen/pre, family, inc)Ī Cold Drive - by Otis Holmes - A man picks up a hitch-hiker on a cold snowy drive. It may be cold outside but it certainly heats up as the drive proceeds. (MM, 1st-gay-expr, mast)Ī Con Goer Get's Conned - by Bottomsup - Anime conventions can sometimes have a real twist.

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